Earlier today Capcom held their Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak event and revealed a lot more about the upcoming game. Some more of Malzeno and its new bloodblight ailment were shown as well as the return of Seregios and the introduction of Aurora Somnacanth and Magma Almudron. In addition, returning monsters will also be given new moves to spice up their battles for returning players.
The monsters aren't the only things getting updates; new features Switch Skill Swap and Follower Quests were also revealed. Much like the name implies, Switch Skill Swap will allow you to swap between different Switch Skill sets in battle on the fly. More info for Switch Skills will be coming soon, May 16th to be exact. Meanwhile, Follower Quests are special single player quests where you team up with NPCs like Hinoa and Minoto to fight monsters.
Wrapping up the video was a special Sunbreak Switch Pro controller and three new amiibos: Malzeno, Canyne Malzeno, and Felyne Malzeno.