That gumdrop looking critter is Bellibolt, a new Electric type Pokémon just revealed for Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. It is the partner Pokémon to Iono, the Gym Leader of Levincia who you can see in the official artwork below. Bellibolt is known as the EleFrog Pokémon and comes with one of two abilities: Static or the brand new Electromorphosis. Electromorphosis boosts the power of the next Electric type move Bellibolt uses after being hit by an attack. Don't let those white "eyes" fool you, Bellibolt's real eyes are the yellow circles above its mouth.
Iono is known as the Supercharged Streamer and is the host of the show Iono Zone. You can get a taste of her personality in this video released by the Pokémon Company to show her and Bellibolt off. Though she's voiced in the video I wouldn't expect the same for the game.