With last Friday's release of Tears of the Kingdom of course I've been spending the weekend playing that. Here's a few things I've noticed about the game so far.
If you've got a Breath of the Wild save, the stables will bring back every horse you had there and move them to Tears of the Kingdom. No need to go horse hunting to get a ride.
Yeah, weapons still break, but thanks to Fuse and monster parts you can make those crappy weapons better than they were before. Which brings me to the next point.
More monster types. Breath of the Wild had a fairly limited set of monsters to fight in my opinion. Most were just elemental or palette swapped versions of other monsters. That's still kind of true here, however, there are way more monsters than in the last game in the few hours I've put into it. Even better, there's been more changes made to returning monsters to make them more unique visually beyond color changes. Some monsters even wear armor. If nothing else, I appreciate the variety.
Korok seeds are back. At least the Koroks haven't been popping up as frequently as they did in the last game.
Shrines are back as well as the map towers. Shrines now have neon green swirls above them making them easier to see from a distance. It's now not necessary to climb the map towers. Open the door, press the button, and done.
It's not a ton of stuff, but that's some of the more notable things I've seen so far that felt different from Breath of the Wild.